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Free download modul elka dasar. Bab 1 Komponen dasar elektronika. Bab 2 Untai RC. Bab 3 Untai AC. Bab 4 Penyearah dan Catu Daya. Bab 5 Transistor.

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July 15, 2009 Posted by | Ilmu | , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Ubuntu 9.04 (codename: jaunty jackalope)

Ubuntu 9.04 yang diberi nama Jaunty Jackalope secara resmi telah diluncurkan pada 23 April 2009. Berbagai feature baru dan perbaikan bug dari versi sebelumnya menjadikan versi ini lebih menjanjikan. Berikut ini adalah tahapan-tahapan instalasi ubuntu 9.04.

Sebelum melakukan instalasi, Anda harus menyediakan ruang harddisk minimal 4 GB. Kemudan backup data-data penting untuk mengantisipasi terjadinya hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan.

Pada proses instalasi ini, penulis akan menginstal Ubuntu pada komputer yang sebelumnya telah terinstal sistem operasi Windows XP. Setelah semua proses selesai nantinya akan ada dua sistem operasi (dual OS) yang terinstal.

Untuk mendpatkan cd gratis linux, klik disini.

Untuk mendownload ISO CD nya, klik disni

Originally posted by Kompas tekno

May 11, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Tugas Bahasa Inggris TOEFL

Tugas TOEFL halaman 291 Menentukan tenses dari soal-soal berikut.

6. present perfect tense
7. present perfect tense
8. present tense
9. simple past tense
10. simple present tense
11. simple present tense
12. simple past tense
13. simple present tense
14. past progressive tense
15. simple present tense, future tense
16. past progressive tense, simple past tense
17. simple present tense
18. present tense
19. simple past tense
20. simple present tense
21. present tense
22. simple past tense
23. simple present tense
24. simple past tense
25. present tense

March 17, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Bandung paralyzed ..

Yesterday, on 8th December, Bandung paralyzed. There was a Traffic along the road to the roundabout cinunuk to cibiru, boundaries between cities and city districts duo duo. Alienation caused by the floods that whip of the region. besides, the main factors, namely traffic jams occur as a result of vehicle density, the volume of flow back into the city of Bandung. Thousands of motorcycles and cars virtually can not move, many motor infiltrate the pavement and running over the curb. Traffic is estimated to start at 16:00.
I also become victims of turbulence the bottleneck. Yesterday my departure from the house from 13.00 to use the minibus. Usually, only the travel time by 4 hours. 17:00, and should I arrive at the destination. But until 20:00 I was stuck in traffic jams are. Many passengers who prefer to walk, including me. I decided to walk up to the roundabout cibiru. Until I finally freed from the traffic jam . I also continue to track the direction of the road trip Sukarno-Hatta Airport, with the use of transportation-city Cicadas- Cibiru. However, the recent trip, again, I’m stuck  in the area of Carrefour kiaracondong. Because of death red lights in the area. While the police should orderly traffic does not see the boom nose.
In his biography, who is blamed? the government should provide access to adequate transportation for the people. Need to build alternative roads that can be used to reduce congestion. Clean-drainage channel for water drainage to more smoothly and not disrupting roads such as the cause of the misfire yesterday. Also, the placement of police, traffic police who can be relied on to orderly the user traffic. Thus the pair can be freed from alienation, flooding and reduce the risk of accidents and provide security to all citizens.

December 9, 2008 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Bikin Search Engine Sendiri

Hmm, Bikin search engine sendiri?? Bisa gitu?

Awalnya penulis kaget, soalnya di salah satu notebook milik kakak kelas kok search engine nya namanya sendiri? aneh. Ups, berbekal rasa penasaran, saya pun nyari-nyari gimana seh caranya ngeganti. Akhirnya ketemu juga tuh. Ternyata rahasianya adalah……

Yup, situs ini menyediakan template-template unik buat kamu yang ingin gaya (ciee gaya). Ada template google, yahoo, bahkan hary potter juga ada. So this is step by sep to create your own search engine.

1. Buka situs


2. Masukan kata dan pilih template yang akan dibuat

3.Klik create my search engine.


Hmm mudah kan, cuma ada kekuranganya neh, nanti pas kita melakukan searching, kadang-kadang bahasanya ngaco. Jadi harus di setting bahasa dulu.

Just try it

December 9, 2008 Posted by | Tutorial | , , , | Leave a comment

Join di Facebook, Gampang kalee..

Hmm.. facebook. Apaan tuh?? Walah-walah, hari gini ga tau facebook? masih pake friendster yah. Segeralah beralih dan temukan kedahsyatan facebook (wuihh iklan).

Facebook adalah situs web jaringan sosial yang diluncurkan pada 4 Februari 2004 dan didirikan oleh Mark Zuckerberg, seorang lulusan Harvard dan mantan murid Ardsley High School. Keanggotaannya pada awalnya dibatasi untuk siswa dari Harvard College. Dalam dua bulan selanjutnya, keanggotaannya diperluas ke sekolah lain di wilayah Boston (Boston College, Boston University, MIT, Tufts), Rochester, Stanford, NYU, Northwestern, dan semua sekolah yang termasuk dalam Ivy League. Banyak perguruan tinggi lain yang selanjutnya ditambahkan berturut-turut dalam kurun waktu satu tahun setelah peluncurannya. Akhirnya, orang-orang yang memiliki alamat surat-e suatu universitas (seperti .edu,, dll) dari seluruh dunia dapat juga bergabung dengan situs ini.

Yup, saa kaya friendster, facebook juga mempunyai fitur-fitur handal. Tapi facebook lebih beda, pokoknya lebih dahsyat deh. Mau??

Gimana seh cara daftarnya??

1. Buka situs Muncul neh tampilan kayak gini


2. Isi di form tersebut data-data yang dibutuhkan.


3. Klik sign up. Masukan Kode autentifikasi (awas jangan Mpe salah)

4. Jika bener maka akan tampil gambar seperti ini


5. Lakukan Verifikasi E-Mail (aku pake yahoo neh)


6. Gini neh tampilan HOme nya


Mudah kan, heheh..

just try it

November 24, 2008 Posted by | Tutorial | , , , , , | Leave a comment


Yeah, you all possibly still has not familiar with iptables. What iptables, how to undertake him etc. Yup, this is myprofit the model test was the assistant labnet, because that wanted to not want me must be able to and knew what iptables. In broad outline, iptables that was a program that contained certain rules that functioned as firewall at the linux server especially redhat and his family.

What Is iptables?

Originally, the most popular firewall/NAT package running on Linux was ipchains, but it had a number of shortcomings. To rectify this, the Netfilter organization decided to create a new product called iptables, giving it such improvements as:

  • Better integration with the Linux kernel with the capability of loading iptables-specific kernel modules designed for improved speed and reliability.
  • Stateful packet inspection. This means that the firewall keeps track of each connection passing through it and in certain cases will view the contents of data flows in an attempt to anticipate the next action of certain protocols. This is an important feature in the support of active FTP and DNS, as well as many other network services.
  • Filtering packets based on a MAC address and the values of the flags in the TCP header. This is helpful in preventing attacks using malformed packets and in restricting access from locally attached servers to other networks in spite of their IP addresses.
  • System logging that provides the option of adjusting the level of detail of the reporting.
  • Better network address translation.
  • Support for transparent integration with such Web proxy programs as Squid.
  • A rate limiting feature that helps iptables block some types of denial of service (DoS) attacks.

Considered a faster and more secure alternative to ipchains, iptables has become the default firewall package installed under RedHat and Fedora Linux.

How To Start iptables

You can start, stop, and restart iptables after booting by using the commands:

[root@bigboy tmp]# service iptables start
[root@bigboy tmp]# service iptables stop
[root@bigboy tmp]# service iptables restart

To get iptables configured to start at boot, use the chkconfig command:.

[root@bigboy tmp]# chkconfig iptables on

Sample iptables Scripts

n this example, eth1 is directly connected to a home network using IP addresses from the network. All traffic between this network and the firewall is simplistically assumed to be trusted and allowed.

Further rules will be needed for the interface connected to the Internet to allow only specific ports, types of connections and possibly even remote servers to have access to your firewall and home network.

# Allow all bidirectional traffic from your firewall to the
# protected network
# - Interface eth1 is the private network interface

iptables -A INPUT   -j ACCEPT -p all -s -i eth1
iptables -A OUTPUT  -j ACCEPT -p all -d -o eth1

For other rules, will be added by me in the next post.

November 18, 2008 Posted by | Ilmu | , , , | Leave a comment

uBuntu 8.10 (Codename: Intrepid Ibex)

intrepid-ibexIn a message posted on the Ubuntu mailing list this morning, Ubuntu founder Mark Shuttleworth announced that Ubuntu 8.10, which is tentatively scheduled for release in October, will be called Intrepid Ibex. Ubuntu loosely adheres to a six-month release cycle and derives its official version numbers from scheduled release dates. During the development cycle, an Ubuntu release is referred to by its code name. The next major Ubuntu release is 8.04, which is known as Hardy Heron and is scheduled for release in April. Intrepid Ibex will be the next release after the upcoming 8.

Plans for Intrepid Ibex include improvements to mobile computing and desktop scalability as well as increased flexibility for Internet connectivity. “Our desktop offering will once again be a focal point as we reengineer the user interaction model so that Ubuntu works as well on a high-end workstation as it does on a feisty little subnotebook. We’ll also be reaching new peaks of performance—aiming to make the mobile desktop as productive as possible,” Shuttleworth wrote in the e-mail. “A particular focus for us will be pervasive Internet access, the ability to tap into bandwidth whenever and wherever you happen to be.”

Development planning for Intrepid Ibex will take place at the upcoming Ubuntu Developer Summit, which will take place in Prague between May 19 and 23. During the Developer Summit event, developers from Canonical meet with Ubuntu contributors and other members of the open source software community to establish blueprints and outline strategies for assembling the technologies that will be included in the next major Ubuntu release. I attended the last major Ubuntu Developer Summit in Boston last year and got first-hand exposure to Hardy Heron planning.

Shuttleworth notes that the 8.10 release will be the ninth Ubuntu release and will coincide with fourth anniversary of the first Ubuntu release, which was 4.10. Ubuntu’s open development model, he says, has been a profound success. “We have open specifications, open governance structures and a willingness to empower everyone to make their unique contribution to the success of the project,” Shuttleworth states in his message. “Those contributions come as much from the corporate world—Canonical and other companies that have embraced Ubuntu as a core of their offering—as from a huge number of individual professionals. It is this combination of expertise and perspectives that makes it such a pleasure for me to be part of this project, and I thank all of you for your continued passion, participation, and energy.”

Ubuntu is a climbing star in the Linux community and has attracted considerable attention from prominent commercial hardware vendors as well as enthusiastic end users. Our initial testing with Hardy Heron shows a lot of promise, and we are looking forward to seeing what plans coalesce as additional details begin to emerge about Intrepid Ibex.

November 10, 2008 Posted by | Ilmu | , , | Leave a comment

Majalengka Election

Pilkada majalengka

Pilkada majalengka

Last week, on October 26th 2008. In this West Javanese Province together was carried out by PILKADA (Bupati Election*red). One of them that is the majalengka regency, my residence.

Because of wanting to participate in the party of the democracy, two days before the PILKADA implementation, I then came home to my residence, to be precise in the Malongpong Village, Kecamatan Maja.

Pilkada in my regency was followed by 7 couples. 4 couples were carried by the party and 3 couples were the prospective independent. The first couple that is the couple Sutrisno- Karna sobahi (SUKA) that was carried by two parties that is PDIP and PKPI. Next the couple Suhardja and Ateng (Sahate) that was supported by PPP,PKB,PBR,PKPB,PBB and Partai PELOPOR. The third couple that is Saepudin UU and Abun Bunyamin that were the prospective independent that was supported by 39,023 people. The fourth couple is the couple Yunus Sanusi – Dedi Supriadi (HAYU HADE) that was carried by the PAN and PKS. Next is Tio Indra Setiadi-Ending Suhendi that also was the prospective independent who was supported by 53,122 people. The sixth couple was Abah Encang (Nazar Hidayat) – M.Iqbal (BAIQ) that also together the prospective independent. The last couple that is Eman Sulaeman-Fuad Abdul Aziz (MAMFU) that was supported by the Golkar Party.

Till at this time, the number 1 couple (SUKA) led now the receipt of the voice with the number of voices 193.792 (31.15 %). Following was followed by the couple BAIQ 104.164 (16.72 %) the voice. The couple HAYU HADE was in the third place with the number of voices 100.370 (16.13 %). because of exceeding the quota that is 30%, then the couple Sutrisno – KarnaSobahi was appointed to become the winner.



source :

November 3, 2008 Posted by | myself | , | 1 Comment

Koordinator Co-AssLabnet 2007

Hari indah itu akhirnya tiba juga. Setelah menanti, menenti dan menanti, pengumuman penerimaan asisten labnet akhirnya tiba. Dan, seperti yang telah aku dambakan selama ini, aku lolos dan diterima menjadi co-ass labnet unpad. Syukur, Alhamdulillah, dan yang lebih gak disangka lagi, aku terpilih menjadi koordinator asslabnet 2007, temen-temen dan senior-senior mememberikan dan mempercayakan kepadaku jabatan itu. Sungguh, suatu anugerah yang tak terduga.
Awalnya, aku bingung mau masuk asisten mana, hardware aku ingin, begitupun labkomp, tetapi setelah aku pikirkan matang-matang, terus dengan sedikit bantuan dari mimpi-mimpi yang Allah kirimkan kepadaku, akhirnya aku memutuskan, LABNET tujuanku. Simple saja, aku gak bisa mengajar, sementara di labkomp dan dan lab hardware aku dituntut untuk memberikan sebuah bimbingan dengan penjadi PJ. Selain itu, aku takut, pertanggung jawaban kepada rekan-rekan angkatan 2008 nanti, aku takut tidak bisa membimbing mereka, seperti yang kualami di laboratorium komputer dan lab hardware selama satu setengah tahun aku menjadi praktikan.
Ya berawal dari mimpi, seperti buku kedua dari Andre Hirata, lanjutan dari tetralogi pertama laskar pelangi, ”Bermimpilah karena Tuhan akan memeluk mimpi-mimpimu.tetaplah bersemangat untuk mengejar mimpimu, karean jika kamu percaya, suatu hari nanti, mimpimu akan menjadi kenyataan.
Hmm.. Aku ucapin juga buat semua teman-temanku co-ass labnet 2007, Chandra, Luthfi, Hendra, dan Ara. Cayoo, kita bisa, kita pasti bisa bikin labnet lebih hidup. Semangat… semangat.. Juga buat Kakak-Kakak assisten 2006, thank’s for all, maksih atas bimbingannya, makasih atas kepercayaaanya, pokonya terima kasih cinta (lagunya afghan tuh), eh terima kasih banyak. Juga buat someone special yang selalu mensupport, memberikan do’a dan ngebangunin aku tiap subuh, I love U forever.
Yupz, senin esok, aku sudah mulai menjadi co-ass, sudah resmi menjabat dan ”ngantor” disana. Tmen-tmen semuanya, do’akan aku agar bisa membawa perubahan di labnet ini (tentunya yang lebih baik lagi).

October 27, 2008 Posted by | Campuss, myself | , , | Comments Off on Koordinator Co-AssLabnet 2007